Who is Dana Brunetti?

Dana Brunetti made it on the Dames’ DILF list. I even heard chatter about bottling him up, but not for sale. No, if bad came to worse the Balenciaga would bite the dust first. And that’s a true sacrifice we Dames are ready to make. Mr. Brunetti’s success with the ladies isn’t just owned to his mansome-ness and his sonorous voice or his readiness to share a dapper cup of tea with us no matter how crazy the world decides to become. No, we geek out in a totally lady-like manner about the entrepreneur, the visionary, and the supporter of the creative that spoils and challenges our minds.

elevatorBorn in 1973 in Virginia he chose a uniform first, that of the Costal Guard, but soon realized that this would be total sensory overkill. A chance meeting with Kevin Spacey at the digital wireless networking company in New York where he subsequently worked brought him into the movie world.

Mr. Spacey also proved the right partner to surge ahead and into the future which Mr. Brunetti clearly located in the field of digital media. First things first, in 2001, he transformed the static homepage of Mr. Spacey’s Trigger Street Productions into an innovative and successful interactive platform for talents in the field of film making, offering them a chance to make it by providing a stage and feedback. This platform, a working expression of Mr. Spacey’s philosophy that you need to send an elevator down in order to offer talent a way into Hollywood, was last known as TriggerStreetLabs. The platform, that was created before video hosting sites like YouTube existed, was terminated in February 2015. Though it might also had outlived its original idea, the decision was made to concentrate on Jameson First Shot, the latest project designed to give aspiring filmmakers a chance of exposure. To participate in the project (what is only possible for people living in selected countries) you apply with a 7 page script. In a longer process three finalists are chosen that are given Hollywood level resources and a well-known star to create the short film of their dreams. In the end these 10 to 20 minutes long works are posted on the project’s page.

While TriggerStreetProductions, since 2004 under the presidency of Mr. Brunetti, produced Oscar and Emmy nominated documentaries and feature length films, the next path breaking step was taken when the company released its now Golden Globe awarded and multiple times Emmy nominated series House of Cards in early 2013. Not just did the release bypass the traditional TV networks as it happened directly on the internet content streaming platform Netflix. All 13 episodes of the first season were released at the same time, making it the viewer’s choice and responsibility to decide when and how fast to indulge into the pleasure.

Working together with EL James to transform her 50 Shades of Grey books into movies can be seen as the latest visionary step into the world of interactive multimedia storytelling which allows the audience to become a true player in creating, distributing and enlarging the world the story is told in. EL James is herself a child of the fanfiction community. The movie’s promotion was enhanced through a network of fan-owned internet sites that were named Official Fifty.

And here closes the circle and we are back to – OK not tea, there was alcohol involved – on a cold winter’s night in NY which Mr. Brunetti shared all mansome with some of the Dames.


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